Friday, 31 August 2012

Facebook Shortcut Keys


Useful Facebook Shortcut Keys,

New Message 
Chrome: ALT + M 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + M 
Explorer : ALT + M + ENTER 

Search Shortcut 
Chrome: ALT + ? 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + ? 
Explorer : ALT + ? + ENTER 

Home Page / News Feed 
Chrome: ALT + 1 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 1 
Explorer : ALT + 1 + ENTER 

Profile Page 
Chrome: ALT + 2 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 2 
Explorer : ALT + 2 + ENTER 

Friend Request 
Chrome: ALT + 3 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 3 
Explorer : ALT + 3 + ENTER 

Message Shortcut 
Chrome: ALT + 4 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 4 
Explorer : ALT + 4 + ENTER 

Chrome: ALT + 5 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 5 
Explorer : ALT + 5 + ENTER 

Account Setting 
Chrome: ALT + 6 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 6 
Explorer : ALT + 6 + ENTER 

Privacy Setting 
Chrome: ALT + 7 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 7 
Explorer : ALT + 7 + ENTER 

Facebook Official Page 
Chrome: ALT + 8 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 8 
Explorer : ALT + 8 + ENTER 

Service Agreement 
Chrome: ALT + 9 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 9 
Explorer : ALT + 9 + ENTER 

Help Center 
Chrome: ALT + 0 
Firefox: SHIFT + ALT + 0 
Explorer : ALT + 0 + ENTER 

You can Like or unlike photos by press 'L' with any browser. 
Hope this help to you. note: - plz like and share to fb,

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Airtel 3G Internet Hack August 2012


Trick 1 [working from 2nd August 2012]:

Download Youtube videos for free with Airtel free GPRS Trick August 2012:
Create this proxy settings and enjoy free downloading of youtube videos;
PORT - 80
any other working in your states.

Trick 2 :-

[working from16th July 2012]
Create new GPRS setting in your mobile or change proxy settings in firefox to enjoy free GPRS trick in airtel.
Proxy ::
PORT :: 80
HP ::

Trick 3:

This trick is with dreamvpn proxy which is very fast and download supported. So use this one to enjoy airtel free gprs trick with good surfing experience and downloading speed.
Proxy ::
PORT :: 80
HP ::

Special feature : php proxy. Large file download supported.
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TaTa Docomo Proxy Trick Aug 2012


Hi freinds

Today i am here with you with a proxy trick for tata docomo

The trick is,

Open Handler Opera and use the following setting
Custom http =
Socket Server = socket://
Proxy type= http
Use this trick with only tatadocomodivein setting.

Note :Minimum balance should be 1 rs

you download handler here
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Get Free Recharge In India (100%) Working


Today while surfing on web I found a very useful site for those who want to get free mobile recharge.

For this all you have to do is just register at Ultoo, Ultoo provides a unique platform to there users where they can send free messages and get rewarded with a mobile recharge in return. Moreover, its incredible speed of sending SMS adds more to its beauty.

You can get instant bonus for sign up to this site...
You can get credit for sending free SMS's...
You can get credit for inviting your friends..

Various activities which cal help you to get a recharge?

  1. For successful Registration Rs 2.
  2. For email verification Rs 1(first time only). 
  3. For sending SMS 2 paisa/SMS. 
  4. For inviting friends(through SMS)Rs 1. 
  5. For inviting friends(through email)Rs 1.

Note : The earnings for an Invite will get credited only when your friends or the receiver of the invite will register, login and send an SMS from

So what are you waiting for register yourself at ULtoo and start earning mobile recharge..

Happy Earning :)
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Thursday, 30 August 2012

Speed Up Internet Connection Without Any Software

Want to speed up internet connction, just follow the steps below,

  • Goto Start >> RunType
  • This opens the Policy Editor

  • Now, Local Computer Policy >> Computer Configuration
  • Then, Administrative Templates >> Network
  • Now, click on QOS Packet Scheduler
  • Now, on Right hand side Double Click Limit reservable bandwidth
  • Now in Setting Tab 
  • It says : Not Configure 

Reality : " The Explain Tab " says "By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection"

  •  So, on Setting Tab select Enabled
  • Now, change Bandwidth limit (%) to 0 (Zero)
  • Click apply and ok.

Note :

Misconcept : This don't means that you won't be able to communicate with Microsoft or any its services !!!

Actually : This reserved Bandwidth is only to accelerate Microsoft internet connections more than other connections !!!
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Edit Any Website Like Facebook


This is very cool javascript which can be used to edit the content of any website like facebook or google you just have to copy javascript on your address bar and hit enter

This is how it works:-

Open any website in Google Chrome, or in Opera and enter the below code to the address bar of the browser.

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

and press enter

Note :- while using This code in google chrome it may not work just by pasting it on address bar you have to add " javascript: " in the beginning manually .

In chrome it will look like This when you paste it:-

document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

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Unlock All USB Modems (Data Cards)


Unlock your data card Airtel, Huawei ,Micromax , Idea ,Reliance and many others,

Are you interested to know how to Unlock your USB MODEM (data card )

If YES then let me told  you about a FREE application called, DC unlocker.

DC unlocker is a program specialized for data card unlocking .

It is the first universal data card unlocking product worldwide.

It is fast ( takes 5 - 60 seconds to unlock), easy to use and functional program with clear interface.

It doesn`t need any cables or adapters for unlocking. The data card can be simply unlocked in the same notebook where a PCMCIA or Express socket exists.

New models are being added regularly.

No need to select any COM ports, auto detect function.
Free updates .

Download it,   Link here

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Use Your Keyboard As A Mouse

Yes you can use ur Keyboard as a Mousewhen ur mouse is down or Emergency,

Just Follow the steps :
Press  Shift+Alt+Numlock from ur Keyboard
Press Yes on the window appearing on the screen

Now you will see a Mouse icon in Task Bar

Now you can use your keyboard as mouse

Navigation Keys (Num Lock Keys)

8 – Up
2 – Down
4 – Left
6 – Right
7,9,3,1 – Directional Navigation

Note:You Must Turn On Num Lock

Like us on Facebook Click Here.
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Update Your Facebook Status In Blue Color


Its so simple,

Follow these simple Steps to do so :

Just copy the following line and write your status update at the place of Your Text Here

@[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Your Text Here ]]



Then press enter, and done..
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How To Bypass In Google Chrome

| 0 comments is a very  popular URL shortening service, gives pays u for using their service , if you use adfly to shrink your links you can earn 5$ per 10.000 page views. 

But some people don't like this kind of URL shortening services. Personally I don't like them too. That's why I use this Chrome extension to bypass all links. 

After installing this you won't have to wait 5 seconds and click Skip ad button. it will automatically redirects you to the targeted page, This bypasses all links, and redirects the user directly to the target page

Download the Latest version CLICK HERE

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About TCP/IP/UDP Attacks


Hello, Lets explain "TCP/IP & UDP Attacks", Most common and effective Web attacks...Lets Know abt its basic and types...

TCP/IP Attacks
1. TCP SYN or TCP ACK Flood Attack
2. TCP Sequence Number Attack

UDP attacks :

1. ICMP Attacks
2. Smurf Attacks
3. ICMP Tunneling

TCP operates using synchronized connections. The synchronization is vulnerable to attack; this is probably the most common attack used today. The synchronization or handshake, process initiates a TCP connection. This handshake is particularly vulnerable to a DoS attack referred to as the TCP SYN Flood attack. The process is also susceptible to access and modification attacks, which are briefly explained in the following sections.

TCP SYN or TCP ACK Flood Attack - This attack is very common... The purpose of this attack is to deny service. The attack begins as a normal TCP connection: the client and the server exchange information in TCP packets. The TCP client continues to send ACK packets to the server, these ACK packets tells the server that a connection is requested. The server thus responds to the client with a ACK packet, the client is supposed to respond with another packet accepting the connection to establish the session. In this attack the client continually send and receives the ACK packets but it does not open the session. The server holds these sessions open, awaiting the final packet in the sequence. This cause the server to fill up the available connections and denies any requesting clients access.

TCP Sequence Number Attack - This is when the attacker takes control of one end of a TCP session. The goal of this attack is to kick the attacked end of the network
for the duration of the session. Only then will the attack be successful. Each time a TCP message is sent the client or the server generates a sequence number. The attacker intercepts and then responds with a sequence number similar to the one used in the original session. This attack can then hijack or disrupt a session. If a valid sequence number is guessed the attacker can place himself between the client and the server. The attacker gains the connection and the data from the legitimate system. The only defense of such an attack is to know that its occurring... There is little that can be done...

TCP Hijacking - This is also called active sniffing, it involves the attacker gaining access to a host in the network and logically disconnecting it from the network. The attacker then inserts another machine with the same IP address. This happens quickly and gives the attacker access to the session and to all the information on the original system.

UDP packets aren't connection oriented and don't require the synchronization process as with TCP. UDP packets, however, are susceptible to interception, thus it can be attacked. UDP, like TCP, doesn't check the validity of an IP address. The nature of this layer is to trust the layer above it (I'm referring to the IP layer). The most common UDP attacks involve UDP flooding. UDP flooding overloads services, networks, and servers. Large streams of UDP packets are focused at a target, causing UDP services on that host to shut down. It can also overload the network and cause a DoS situation to occur.

ICMP Attacks - This occur by triggering a response from the ICMP protocol when it responds to a seemingly legitimate request (think of it as echoing). Ping for instance, that uses the ICMP protocol. sPing is a good example of this type of attack, it overloads te server with more bytes than it can handle, larger connections. Its ping flood.

Smurf Attacks - This attack uses IP spoofing and broadcasting to send a ping to a group of hosts on a network. When a host is pinged it send back ICMP message traffic information indicating status to the originator. If a broadcast is sent to network, all hosts will answer back to the ping. The result is an overload of network and the target system. The only way to prevent this attack is to prohibit ICMP traffic on the router.

ICMP Tunneling - ICMP can contain data about timing and routes. A packet can be used to hold information that is different from the intended information. This allows an ICMP packet to be used as a communications channel between two systems. The channel can be used to send a Trojan horse or other malicious packet. The counter measure is to deny ICMP traffic on your network.

Warning : ICMP can be very dangerous..and Even,as i said ...Don't try such attack from your pc,untill you don't know that how to be invisible on net ! Beccause once you get traced out ...No one can help you from Troubles..

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What Is Hacker


A hacker is someone who likes to tinker with electronics or computer systems. Hackers like to explore and learn how computer systems work, finding ways to make them do what they do better, or do things they weren’t intended to do.  There are different types of hackers,

The hacker community usually distinguishes its members into the following groups, mainly based on the individual aim and ability:

CRACKERS(The Black Hat Hackers): Those who will enter your computer just for the fun of it, or to prove their technical skills, which are usually mid to high level;

BLUE HAT HACKERS: A blue hat hacker is someone outside computer security consulting firms that are used to bug test a system prior to its launch, looking for exploits so they can be closed. The term has also been associated with a roughly annual security conference by Microsoft, the unofficial name coming from the blue color associated with Microsoft employee badges.

GRAY HAT HACKERS: A gray hat hacker is a hacker of ambiguous ethics and/or borderline legality, often frankly admitted (the color itself stands somewhere in between 'black' and 'white', the 'bad' and the 'good' guys).

WHITE HAT HACKER: A white hat hacker (sometimes referred to as 'ethical hacker') is someone who breaks security but who does so for altruistic or at least non-malicious reasons. White hats generally have a clearly defined code of ethics, and will often attempt to work with a manufacturer or owner to improve discovered security weaknesses, although many reserve the implicit or explicit threat of public disclosure after a "reasonable" time as a prod to ensure timely response from a corporate entity. The term is also used to describe hackers who work to deliberately design and code more secure systems. To white hats, the darker the hat, the more the ethics of the activity can be considered dubious. Conversely, black hats may claim the lighter the hat, the more the ethics of the activity are lost.

SCRIPT KIDDIES: Script kiddie is a pejorative term for a computer intruder with little or no skill; a person who simply follows directions or uses a cook-book approach -- typically using other people's scripts and shell-codes -- without fully understanding the meaning of the steps they are performing.

HACKTIVIST (rare): A hacktivist is a hacker who utilizes technology to announce a political message. Web vandalism is not necessarily hacktivism.
These categories tend to have a 'closed' approach with one another, meaning white hatters will tend to stay away from black hatters, and vice versa -- which is mainly due to the fact that the single most important thing all these communities have in common is the central role of their 'online reputation'.

We will discuss various hacking tricks and tips in this blog, stay connected with us..

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Send Page Invitation To All Your FB Friends


Facebook offers the feature to Invite your friends to your page. But the most important feature in the selecting process i.e. the Select All Friends function is not available,

Now you can choose all your friends manually but it is fine when you have 50/100/200 friends, but the job becomes more difficult when your friend list is very long, ( And most importantly selecting all friends manually is not good for your mouse and your index finger..isn't it? :) )

But I have found a trick to select all your friends in a single click..
The trick depends on a small javascript code which minimizes your work, so let’s look at the steps involved in Selecting all friends and inviting them to your Facebook page.

Go to your Facebook page, ( It is important :) ).
Click on the ‘Invite Friends‘ link located on your page.

Now you’ll see a small box which says Suggest your page to Friends. Below that you’ll find a button drop down which by-default highlights Recent Interactions. Click on that button and change it to Search All Friends.

 Paste the following Javascript code in your browser’s(*) address bar, 

 javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};

All those people whom you haven’t invited yet will be selected automatically. Now, you just have to hit the Submit button.
After that you’ll see a similar confirmation box on your screen. 

Comment below if you face any problem implementing the above trick.

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Speed Up Your Android Tablet And Smartphone


Android OS is open source and going popular day by day. Now most of mobile and tablet manufacturers using Android on their device because Android apps available widely to download at free or low price.

Some low end Tablets and Smartphones comes with limited processor speed and RAM memory. We need to manage our Android application according to our Tablet or Smartphone hardware configuration.

I have Samsung Galaxy Mini(POP) S5570 with only 600Mhz processor and 256MB RAM memory. 256MB RAM and 600Mhz Processor is not enough to run all types of application, if you are also using any low hardware configuration Tablet like Beetel Maqiq, Reliance Tablet and iBall Slide, or Smartphone like Galaxy mini, Galaxy y or many others then it is most important that you manage your Tablet/Smartphone to get best speed because over applications can hang your Tablet/Smartphone or stop response for some time.

Here I collect some of best tips to boost your Android tablet and smartphone speed. These all tips are very small and easy to can get full benefits of your Android Device using this tricks.

1. Install less applications :

It is first step to boost your Android Tablet/Smartphone speed. Some Tablet/Smartphone are comes with preinstalled applications but most of applications have no use for us. Avoid installation of unwanted and useless applications on your Android device because application occupy space and RAM. Install only applications that are very important for you and useable.

2. Close unwanted applications : 

Every Tablet/Smartphone comes with limited RAM, it is very important that we use only few applications at a single time. Starting many application at single time can use all RAM memory and slow down Android Tablet/Smartphone.

3. Use light applications : 

Always use only light application not heavy applications like games and other heavy graphics applications because these types of applications needs good space to installation and more RAM to start.

4. Disable GPS feature : 

Tablet/Smartphone comes with built in GPS features and most of time we have no use of it. Running GPS all the time will drain battery in a matter of hours and reduce Android Tablet/Smartphone performance. It is good for battery life that you turn off your GPS feature when no use.

5. Remove Widgets and Apps. Shortcuts : 

On Android you can set Apps widgets and shortcuts on desktop but large number of widgets and apps. shortcuts reduce Android Tablet/Smartphone performance.

6. Use Task Manger : 

Always use Android task manger or you can download any other task manager from Android Market. Using task manger you can get idea about running applications and memory used by application.

7. Never use Live Backgrounds : 

Some Android Tablet/Smartphone comes with preinstalled live wallpapers. It is true that live wallpapers gives us special effects on Android desktop but these types of wallpapers working as battery eater. User always normal wallpapers.

8. Disable Animation : 

By default Tablet/Smartphone comes with enable animation feature and it is not good for your Android performance and battery life. You can disable it from Settings > Display > Animation > Select No Animations.

9. Use cleaner application :

Many cleaner applications are available on Android market freeware. These cleaner can cleanup all applications cached files and histories. Clean Tablet/Smartphone cache time to time and increase Tablet/Smartphone performance and battery life.

10. Start-up Managers : 

On Android market you can download lots of free application to manage Android start-up programs. Using start-up managers you can disable or uninstall unwanted applications and improve device start-up speed. Start-up Cleaner 2.0 can help you to manage your Android Tablet/Smartphone start-up.

These all tips are easy to apply and hope it will definitely increase your Android tablet or smartphone speed.

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Create Password Protected Folder In Windows


Today I am going to tell you how to make a password protecting folder in windows operating system, The trick is done using batch programing. The simple batch code posted below can help u to make a password protecting folder in windows environment.

So, to make such a folder just follow the steps mentioned below, 

  • Open notepad and copy the following code and paste it in notepad.

  • Save the file as TrikzTech.bat or give the name whatever you want but the file extension must be .bat .
  • Now close notepad, you will see a file named ' TrikzTech.bat ' in your directory. Double click on file and enter password 'trikztech' (without quotes).
  • Now a new folder is created in your directory named Private, just put files you want to hide in this folder.
  • Again open the file ' TrikzTech.bat ' and it will ask you to lock folder not just press Y  to lock folder and done.
  • To open the folder again open ' TrikzTech.bat ' and enter password, If you want to change password then just change the following line in the code, place your desired password at the place of trikztech.

This trick is very old but still working, has a simple programming logic, I posted it only for beginners. Advanced users knows this types of tricks.

Feel free to comment below if you have any problem...
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Open Firefox Inside Firefox


Today I am showing you a funny, easy but an uncommon trick how to open Firefox inside Firefox. This trick can be used for showing off to your friend or for slowing down someone's internet connectivity and Computer also by opening Firefox inside Firefox repeatedly.

So how to do this, just follow following step (Only one)

  1. Open Firefox and enter the following text as an URL

See the screenshot below,

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Yahoo Axis - Browser Description And Download


Yahoo Axis! is publicly released on 23rd may 2012 as a search tool.
It is a desktop Browser extension for Yahoo Search Engine developed by Yahoo.

This  works within the web browser without installing a new browser and without opening a new tab in our old browser.

Yahoo axis opens the search results as a thumbnail in the open tab of the web browser.

This is very similar to yahoo, Google and bing toolbar. It also helps to create bookmarks.

Supported Devices :

1. It supports apple iphone and Apple Ipad Mobile Browser.

2. It supports Google Chrome (All version), Mozilla Firefox (version 7 and higher),Internet Explorer (version 9 and higher),Apple Safari (version 5 and higher) desktop browser.

Website :

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Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Protect Yourself - Using Proxis


This section will go over using proxies, which mask your IP address when on the web. This is useful for doing things you don't want to be traced to your IP address, or if you just want to hide your IP address from a certain website.

What is a proxy?

Think of a proxy as a man in the middle for the internet. Normally when you open a website, your PC sends your IP address to the website, so that it may then send the webpage to your computer. With a proxy, your information is being sent to the proxy first, and then the proxy is pulling the website for you, then forwarding it to you. This way, on the websites end, they see the IP address of the proxy you used, and not yours.

Where to get a proxy?

Proxies are all over the web, a quick google search will pull up a bunch. Below are some websites you can use to find proxy servers. Note that you may have to try multiple proxies before finding a working one.

How to use a proxy?

This tutorial will go over setting up a proxy in internet explorer, but it should be very similar for other browsers as well.

  1. Find a proxy server you want to use. You will need the IP address and port of the server.
  2. In internet explorer, click on internet options
  3. Navigate to the connections tab and click on LAN settings
  4. Check Use a proxy server for your LAN and enter in the proxy servers IP address and port
  5. Click apply and you're done! Now when you navigate to a website, it will be through the proxy you entered. To stay 100% anon, make sure you use a proxy server that doesn't log IP addresses. These proxies will usually be advertised as being anonymous proxies.

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Protect Yourself - Clear System Log


The following steps will walk you through clearing the system logs on a windows computer. The windows system keeps a long of what programs you opened, hardware used, etc, along with time stamps, and a bunch of other information you might not want someone to see. This tutorial assumes you're using a Windows based PC.

1. Navigate to Control Panel
2. Click Administrative tools. In Windows 7, this is under System and Security in the control panel.
3. Double click and open Event Viewer
4. In the left pane, you will see all the different things that are logged. Expand these, right click, and choose Clear log for each log you wanted wiped.

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Protect Yourself - Wi-Fi


Another way your making all your accounts easily hacked, is by being connected to an insecure wifi, or connected to a wifi with an easily hacked password.

Use free public wifi at your own risk. Anyone connected to the same wifi as you with malicious intent can sniff the traffic over the network and have access to any account you log in to. Facebook, youtube, online banking... anything. Only access accounts you care about on wifi networks you trust.

DO NOT use WEP for your router security, use WPA or preferably WPA2. WEP keys are extremely easy to hack.

If your router has WPS enabled (wireless protected setup), DISABLE IT. An exploit allows WPS to be cracked pretty quickly allowing the attacker to figure out your WPA2 key.

If you think someone on your network may be trying to access your accounts, browse using HTTPS. Most popular websites support HTTPS (facebook, gmail, etc) and this prevents most network sniffing applications fail to retrieve your account info. You can use the HTTPS version of a website simply by replacing HTTP to HTTPS in the url. Example: instead of Some hacks out there can redirect you from the secure HTTPS to HTTP, so if you're onsure of the network you're connected to, stay aware of the URL.

Don't buy things online while connected to a public network. Just don't do it.
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Protect Yourself - Check For Viruses

All of us know that virus is a malicious and harmful programs which are intended to do some harm to your system.

Therefor now, I'm going to tell you how to check a program for viruses before you run it. Do this with any new software you're unsure about.

1. Buy any good antivirus program, and update it on regular basis so that you get protection from latest harmful viruses 

2. If you don't want to spend money on any software don't worry just Upload the file or file URL to

Look at the virustotal scan results. If anything suspicious shows up, delete the file and don't run it.

Simple enough, but most people don't bother to scan things, or have expired anti-virus. If you would like some high quality, free anti-virus software for Windows, I highly recommend Microsoft Security Essentials, and Quick Heal is the best antivirus program I ever had.
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Protect Yourself - Password Security

Fact : According to a research about 20% of all the passwords can be easily guessed. The  example of such bad passwords are 12345, qwerty, your name, your surname, your birth date etc.

So it is very easy for someone to guess your password and get access to your account, the persons who know you most can be easily get access to your account by guessing if you use such a bad passwords listed above, the persons include your friends who knows much about yourself.

The best way to prevent someone from getting your passwords, is to use a strong password. The best passwords are 8+ characters long, which must contain combination of capital and small letters also contains some numbers and you can also use some special characters.
Using special character string in a password is give you very high security because it is very difficult to guess such passwords, even for the bruitforsing software's.  What is Bruteforcing Software ? It is a program that tries every letter/number/symbol combination to guess your password. If you follow these tips for a stronger password, it will take years to bruteforce your password.

Security questions. The easiest way someone can gain access into your accounts, is to guess the answers to the security questions of your account. These are the questions you're asked when you first make an email account, like What was your first dogs name?, or Whats your first grade teachers name. Make sure the security questions you choose have answers that aren't easily guessable. If you have a security question that asks Where did you meet your spouse? this is a bad question to choose. Anyone who browses your Facebook or asks someone you know can get the answer to this. So make sure you choose questions NO ONE knows the answer to, or make the answers something only you would know.

Don't ever use the same passwords for all of your accounts. Make your e-mail password different from your Facebook password, and so on. If someone manages to get one of your passwords, they will have access to ALL your accounts if you use the same password.

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